Utstilling – Tromsø bibliotek
I forbindelse med utstillingen «SAKLIG! Norges beste tegneserier fra virkeligheten» kan du i tiden framover bli kjent med noen av landets fremste serieskapere. Vi byr også på tegneserie-workshop, forfatterbesøk og lansering – det er tegneserietid på biblioteket!
Tourist map – Trondheim
On this map, you will find information about attractions in Trondheim as well as a street map of Trondheim.
Tourist map – Larvik and Stavern
On this map, you will find information about attractions in Larvik and Stavern as well as a street map of Larvik. The map is in A3-size and folded down to a handy 10×21 format.
Nov. 6th
Concert, Arctic Voices in The Arctic Cathedral,
The mixed choir Arctic Voices and participating musicians perform the song cycle “Mandelträd och marmor” by the greek composer Mikis Theodorakis. The choir is join by Lars Klevstrand, the most renowned interpreter of Theodorakis in Norway. The focus of the concert revolves around the word peace, be it in the soul, everyday life, grief or the world. Theodorakis was an …
Barnas sjøfartsmuseum høsten 2021
I løpet av høsten 2021 arrangerer Trondhjems Sjøfartsmuseum både eventyrstund og familieomvisning.
Farmers Market – Saturdays at the market square
Farmers Market offers locally-produced products sold by the farmers from the region of Troms who produce them. Quality, flavour and origin are guaranteed on the large selection of unique products that are available. In addition to delicious foods, Farmers Market also offers traditional handcrafted products. Fresh, homemade, high-quality products sold by the people who make them. Meet the producers face-to-face …
Ski-VM til Trondheim i 2025
Trondheim skal arrangere ski-vm i 2025. Sist Trondheim var arrangør for ski-VM var i 1997. Sist VM på ski ble arrangert i Norge var i Oslo i 2011. Rita Ottervik takket for tilliten, selv om Trondheim denne gang var eneste søker og tildelingen var mer eller mindre en formalitet. Billetter: VIP: vip@trondheim2025.no Gruppesalg: For kjøp av billetter til større grupper …
Galleri Ismene – Tal R and Danish art from Jorn unitil today
Opens Febryary, 26th – Tal R and Danish art from Jorn until today One of the most significant artists in Denmark today is the Danish-Israeli painter and graphic artist Tal R. He has had an adventurous success in the international art scene in the recent years. The Louisiana Museum of Modern Art outside Copenhagen has built up a large collection …
Cruisekart for Trondheim
Cruisekart for Trondheim er spesiallagde kart for cruiseturismen i Trondheim og inneholder gatekart for Trondheim sentrum, oversiktskart for Trondheim og omegn og oversikt over attraksjoner i Trondheim. Mediamax Norge produserer kartene.
Troll Restaurant
Troll will serve you Norwegian cuisine in a rebellious way. We focus on good local produce. Visit us in an idyllic maritime setting on Fosenkaia in Trondheim. We also have a fantastic outdoor seating. Today’s set menu: A La Carte Starters: Red king crab soup NOK 129 Aspic with Norway lobster and avocado NOK 139 Salt mutton rib dumpling NOK …
Kvilhaugen Gård
Venerable Kvilhaugen Gård was built in 1820, celebrating its 200 year anniversary in 2020! We are one of Trondheim’s largest restaurant houses with 450 seats. The farm is located above Øvre Singsaker (Upper Singsaker) and has a great view over the city. The kitchen combines good old-fashioned cuisine with contemporary flavors to the best for our guests. We want to …
Galleri Riis
Exhibition at Galleri Riis, Aug. 28th – Oct. 3rd, Olav Christopher Jenssen – New Rubicon Paintings and Journal Drawings About Galleri Riis: Galleri Riis was founded in Trondheim in 1972 by collectors Inger and Andreas L. Riis, and it has been based in Oslo since 1980. From 2011 to 2017 the gallery operated a second space in Stockholm which confirmed the …
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