Home » Tromsø

TROMSØ Trondheim

Tromsø – surrounded by spectacular scenery that is visible from everywhere in town.
Tromsø is a surprise to most visitors: Here you find art, history, sophistication, good food and an infamous nightlife in a bustling, tiny city. The city is home to the world’s northernmost university, as well as research institutes and satellite based industry. The population is therefore highly skilled, but retains the straightforwardness and sense of humour that the North is known for.

Whats on in tromso

Tromsø Museum

Tromsø University Museum is a conglomerate consisting of Tromsø Museum, The Polar Museum, MS Polstjerna and the Tromsø Arctic-Alpine Botanical Garden. Tromsø University Museum was founded in 1872 and is North Norway’s oldest research institution. The museum was incorporated in Tromsø University in 1976. Our main tasks are research, research communication, development and maintenance of research collections, outreach, management and
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Tromsø Arctic Alpine Botanical Garden

A fantastic experience! This is what the Swedish King said after a visit to Tromsø Arctic-Alpine Botanic Garden a few years ago. He is not the only one enjoying a visit to our small, but very diverse botanic garden. It is so different that it has been included among 10 top gardens in the world, e.g. by the BBC and
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The Polar Museum

The Polar Museum Winter trapping, seal hunting, expeditions and temporary exhibitions with arctic content. Tromsø has been the centre of seal hunting in North Norway, and the town was established at the “Gateway to the Arctic” in the late 1800s. Tromsø has long been an important base for many polar expeditions, and the Polar Museum exhibits and presents this polar
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The Arctic Cathedral

Tromsdalen Church, also known as Ishavskatedralen (The Arctic Cathedral) was dedicated on November 19, 1965. Architect Jan Inge Hovig succeeded in creating a masterpiece. The cathedral is a landmark visible from the Tromsø Sound, the Tromsø Bridge and when landing in Tromsø by aircraft. The 11 aluminium-coated concrete panels on each side of the roof provide the cathedral’s form. The
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Experience Tromsø’s best view! The cable car runs from Solliveien in Tromsdalen up to the mountain ledge Storsteinen (421 m above sea level) in just four minutes. The two gondolas, known as Seal and Polar bear, each have a capacity of 28 passengers. From the viewing platform at the upper station, you can enjoy spectacular panoramic views of Tromsø and
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Utstilling – Tromsø bibliotek

I forbindelse med utstillingen «SAKLIG! Norges beste tegneserier fra virkeligheten» kan du i tiden framover bli kjent med noen av landets fremste serieskapere. Vi byr også på tegneserie-workshop, forfatterbesøk og lansering – det er tegneserietid på biblioteket!
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Home » Tromsø

Museums & Attractions

Tromsø Museum

Tromsø University Museum is a conglomerate consisting of Tromsø Museum, The Polar Museum, MS Polstjerna and the Tromsø Arctic-Alpine Botanical Garden. Tromsø University Museum was founded in 1872 and is North Norway’s oldest research institution. The museum was incorporated in Tromsø University in 1976. Our main tasks are research, research communication, development and maintenance of research collections, outreach, management and
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Museums & Attractions

Tromsø Arctic Alpine Botanical Garden

A fantastic experience! This is what the Swedish King said after a visit to Tromsø Arctic-Alpine Botanic Garden a few years ago. He is not the only one enjoying a visit to our small, but very diverse botanic garden. It is so different that it has been included among 10 top gardens in the world, e.g. by the BBC and
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Museums & Attractions

The Polar Museum

The Polar Museum Winter trapping, seal hunting, expeditions and temporary exhibitions with arctic content. Tromsø has been the centre of seal hunting in North Norway, and the town was established at the “Gateway to the Arctic” in the late 1800s. Tromsø has long been an important base for many polar expeditions, and the Polar Museum exhibits and presents this polar
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Museums & Attractions

The Arctic Cathedral

Tromsdalen Church, also known as Ishavskatedralen (The Arctic Cathedral) was dedicated on November 19, 1965. Architect Jan Inge Hovig succeeded in creating a masterpiece. The cathedral is a landmark visible from the Tromsø Sound, the Tromsø Bridge and when landing in Tromsø by aircraft. The 11 aluminium-coated concrete panels on each side of the roof provide the cathedral’s form. The
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Museums & Attractions


Experience Tromsø’s best view! The cable car runs from Solliveien in Tromsdalen up to the mountain ledge Storsteinen (421 m above sea level) in just four minutes. The two gondolas, known as Seal and Polar bear, each have a capacity of 28 passengers. From the viewing platform at the upper station, you can enjoy spectacular panoramic views of Tromsø and
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What's On

Utstilling – Tromsø bibliotek

I forbindelse med utstillingen «SAKLIG! Norges beste tegneserier fra virkeligheten» kan du i tiden framover bli kjent med noen av landets fremste serieskapere. Vi byr også på tegneserie-workshop, forfatterbesøk og lansering – det er tegneserietid på biblioteket!
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