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TEKS – Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre
TEKS – Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre
TEKS – Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre – is a non-profit organisation founded in Trondheim in 2002. The organisation is a resource and competence centre that aims to produce and convey techno related art projects within all art disciplines.
TEKS is the founder and organiser of the Trondheim biennale for art & technology – Meta.Morf.
TEKS initiates and organises artistic productions and projects, works with promotion and education through courses and workshops, and acts as organiser or co-organiser of various techno related cultural initiatives.
TEKS is funded by the Arts council Norway and the Trondheim Municipality.
TEKS is a member of PNEK – Production Network for Electronic Arts Norway.
Meta.Morf – Trondheim international biennale for art and technology
Artistic and scientific research are continuously challenging and changing our perspectives on life, often implying new philosophical and existential questions.
Biotechnology, nanotechnology, neuroscience and new communications and computer technologies represent fields that expands the boundaries of artistic practices, practises that in turn may reveal unexplored viewpoints for scientifically based research.
The artist as a conveyor and interpreter of new knowledge and research plays a crucial role for society’s ability to maintain an adequate discourse regarding the use of new technologies and scientific advancements.
Meta.Morf aim to present artists, writers, scientists and researchers for a broader audience with projects and performances that in various ways helps extending our perspectives on life.