Home » Larvik and Stavern

The weather in Larvik and Stavern

In the summer, Larvik is a paradise, ready to be explored. Tourists fills up the streets and as well as thousands of boats hitting the water and driving to the nearby islets. But, if you want peace and quiet, Larvik has a lot to offer as it is also close to mountains and woods.

Stavern is a very popular tourist destination during the summer. With its old history, combined with a modern touch, innovation and good art environment, Stavern has a lot to offer. The short distances in the city center allows you to experience a lot in one day, or immerse yourself in what you find most interesting. Visit some of Stavern´s museums, attractions and monuments – or enjoy one of the many markets during the summer.

Whats on in larvik-stavern

Brunlanes, Larvik

Mølen is a part of one the world´s largest monuments from the last ice age and is a piece of a huge gravel deposit, encircling all of Scandinavia. It was formed at the margin of the inland ice during the period 12650 to 12350 years before the present. In Southeastern Norway, the gravel deposit is called “the Ra”.
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Hall of rememberance

Hall of Remembrance (“Minnehallen” in Norwegian) is a national memorial shaped as a pyramid, located at the coeast of Stavern. It is normally open from May 15th to August 31st, from 11 am – 5.30 pm, every day. Guided tours for groups off season is possible if ordered in advance by sending an email to: post@dnas.no. Even when the interior
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Only nature can make Farris. Every single drop that falls over The Beech Tree Forest in Larvik embarks on a long journey. The water runs quickly past leaves and branches, along the trees and down the hill. Then, slowly through the soil and even slower through mineral-rich soil on the way down to source, called the King Olav V’s spring.
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Astrup Seil og Skiskole

At Astrup Seil og Skiskole, we offer a different arena for events, meetings and experiences on the sea! The boat is suitable for events and just taking a trip on the sea. Our goal is to give our guests a high standard on all levels. With the boat and the sea as the frame, we believe the atmosphere created on
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Los Digital

Vi tar trykking personlig. Du merker forskjellen. LOS Digital er et annerledes trykkeri. Når andre snakker om service, så snakker vi om personlig service. Når andre snakker om kvalitet, så snakker vi om den totale kvaliteten. Derfor jobber våre dyktige og engasjerte ansatte hver dag med å kvalitetssikre alt fra bestilling til levering, slik at du skal merke forskjellen når
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Qualtiy and Safety Quality is people. The well trained and motivated crew will make sure you get a safe and pleasant boat trip with us. In our comapny we do not have passengeres, we have guests. That is our mantra, and this is how you should be cared for. Looking forward to seeing you onboard one of our five passenger
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Home » Larvik and Stavern

Museums & Attractions
Larvik & Stavern

Brunlanes, Larvik

Mølen is a part of one the world´s largest monuments from the last ice age and is a piece of a huge gravel deposit, encircling all of Scandinavia. It was formed at the margin of the inland ice during the period 12650 to 12350 years before the present. In Southeastern Norway, the gravel deposit is called “the Ra”.
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Museums & Attractions
Larvik & Stavern

Hall of rememberance

Hall of Remembrance (“Minnehallen” in Norwegian) is a national memorial shaped as a pyramid, located at the coeast of Stavern. It is normally open from May 15th to August 31st, from 11 am – 5.30 pm, every day. Guided tours for groups off season is possible if ordered in advance by sending an email to: post@dnas.no. Even when the interior
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Food & Drink
Larvik & Stavern


Only nature can make Farris. Every single drop that falls over The Beech Tree Forest in Larvik embarks on a long journey. The water runs quickly past leaves and branches, along the trees and down the hill. Then, slowly through the soil and even slower through mineral-rich soil on the way down to source, called the King Olav V’s spring.
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Larvik & Stavern

Astrup Seil og Skiskole

At Astrup Seil og Skiskole, we offer a different arena for events, meetings and experiences on the sea! The boat is suitable for events and just taking a trip on the sea. Our goal is to give our guests a high standard on all levels. With the boat and the sea as the frame, we believe the atmosphere created on
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Larvik & Stavern

Los Digital

Vi tar trykking personlig. Du merker forskjellen. LOS Digital er et annerledes trykkeri. Når andre snakker om service, så snakker vi om personlig service. Når andre snakker om kvalitet, så snakker vi om den totale kvaliteten. Derfor jobber våre dyktige og engasjerte ansatte hver dag med å kvalitetssikre alt fra bestilling til levering, slik at du skal merke forskjellen når
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Larvik & Stavern


Qualtiy and Safety Quality is people. The well trained and motivated crew will make sure you get a safe and pleasant boat trip with us. In our comapny we do not have passengeres, we have guests. That is our mantra, and this is how you should be cared for. Looking forward to seeing you onboard one of our five passenger
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