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FIS Nordic World Ski Championships
February 26th – March 9th, 2025

The 2025 World Ski Championships will be held in Trondheim, Norway, from 26 February to 9 March. This will mark the second time the city organises the World Championships in Nordic skiing disciplines; the first time was back in 1997. The events will be held at Granåsen Ski Centre. This version of the championship will represent something quite different, as
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Experience Frosta – exclusive farm tourism and RIB in the Trondheimsfjord. What do we offer: RIB safari in the Trondheimsfjord The Trondheimsfjord is one of Norway’s most beautiful fjords. This RIB tour will take you to the most exciting places in the Åsenfjord and Lofjord. With an experienced guide behind the wheel, we will give you a wonderful experience on
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Nye Hjorten Teater

Nye Hjorten Teater is a brand new, privately owned folk theater in the heart of Trondheim city centre. The theatre’s initiator is Ole Robert Reitan. He had long harbored the dream of a new folk theater in his childhood town, and when he talked about it – loudly and enthrallingly – it suddenly came to fruition. It didn’t take long
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Brattørkaia Sykkel

Brattørkaia Sykkel er en et nytt sykkelsenter i Trondheim. Vi har et konsept der driften er bygd rundt et sykkelverksted med meget høyt servicenivå. Sykkelbutikken vår har et velfylt varelager av alt av slitedeler og tilbehør syklisten trenger. I tillegg selger vi gode sykler og elsykler fra Scott og Merida. Gründerne Anders Brun og Øyvind Strømsholm Pettersen har lang erfaring
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Trondheim Bike Adventures

Would you like an adventure in Bymarka on hidden trails? Just cruise around the city, along the river, with a guide? Or perhaps rent bikes and explore the city or the trails on your own? Than you have come to the right place! We have premium electric bikes in our fleet. Everything from low entry (ladies bikes) to full raw
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Trondheim Christmas Market

  The Christmas Market in Trondheim 4.-21. December 2024 The Christmas Market in Trondheim takes place in the city center in December every year. Here you will find an exciting traditional market with quality crafts, Christmas food and trees. Experience concerts, theatre, horse and sleigh rides and Scandinavia’s largest mobile Ferris wheel. In the big Lavvo you can enjoy local
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Visit Bjørn

Visit Bjørn is Trondheim’s hidden gem at Bjørn Fjeldvær’s home in Ilevollen. With Bjørn’s love for traditional Norwegian food, served with personal stories and music, you can indulge in a meal far beyond the ordinary. Visit Bjørn offers experiences in English and Norwegian, and you need to book in advance. There is a maximum of one group per day, 10-24
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Trondheim Guide Service & Sykkelguide

We guide you through historic Trondheim and Trøndelag Our tours Our standard tours include city walks, bicycle tours, excursions for Hurtigruten and cruise, hike & guide, pilgrim walks, day trips, foody dream experiences, traditional bus sightseeing, winter adventures, etc. We tailor tours to your wishes and needs. Guide service It’s an art to match the right guide to the right
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Trondheim City Tours

We look forward to meet you and to have you as our guest in Norway! Please contact us with any enquiry or questions. How we started It all began on board cruise ships years before the company actually started. The founders Christine and Stig Arild Lillevik combined their love for the cruise business with their love for Norway and especially
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Lavollen er en ærverdig, gammel plass med histrorisk sus. Stedet var seter under Lade gård i 1661, og bygningene slik de står i dag ble oppført i 1905. Lavollen drives i dag av Ann Helen Helgemo og Youssef El Balaawy, og er et populært sted for turfolk å stoppe innom for en rast eller som startpunkt for turen. Du kan
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Grønlia er et sted med lange tradisjoner med å huse folk på vandring. I 126 år har den lille hytta hatt servering til turfolk, og stedet drives i dag av Ann Helen Helgemo og Youssef El Balaawy som de 11. i rekken. Grønlia ligger fint til med utsikt over Bymarkas største vann Skjellbreia. Videre bærer utsikten både mot Vassfjellet og
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Trondheim Fishing

Order in advance, use the booking link Join a fishing trip in the fantastic surroundings of the Trondheim Fjord. We offer a unique experience for private and small group fishing in the beautiful Trondheim Fjord. Our boat is a 21-foot long Sting 600 PRO HT that accommodates up to 3 guests. Have you never tried it? Do not worry, your
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Trondheim Elsykkel

Byens største utvalg av premium elsykler og transportelsykler! Besøk oss for et sykkeltilbud. Våre kunder har driftsgaranti med lånesykkel, dekkhotell og eget verksted. Trondheim Elsykkel er en fagbutikk over to etasjer, med 14 års erfaring og eget verksted kun for våre kunder. Vår viktigste jobb er å sørge for at du får den beste servicen og rask hjelp. Vi tar
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Scushi Midtbyen og Byåsen har byttet navn til Elsykkelkompaniet! Bortsett fra navnet over døra og ny nettside, er det ingen endringer hos oss. Vi har de samme sykkelmerkene som før, du møter de samme personene når du kommer inn døra og vi har fortsatt som mål å være best på kunnskap og service i byen!  
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Sing Sing Karaoke Trondheim

Sing Sing is a party destination that attracts all kinds of people and constellations. The karaoke is the beating heart of Sing Sing. We offer 11 private Japanese-style karaoke rooms in different sizes and bar-karaoke on Thursdays.
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Rosendal Teater

Our mission is to be vibrant hub and leading regional engine room for artists, arts organisations and audiences to reimagine what the performing arts and the world around us can be. The theatre co-produces and presents two seasons per year of performances, parties, concerts, installations, film screenings, festivals, residencies, discursive events, as well as other kinds of social events. RT
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Havet Arena

Nyhavna er levd liv og inngangen til byen. Her er det enda handel, havnearbeidere og kraner i sving. Vi har transformert gamle industrilokaler til flere nye scener som det som regel er full aktivitet på. Kom til oss for et tettpakka og variert kulturprogram, god mat, drikke, samt sauna og bading i fjorden! Vi har byens største uteservering, og på
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Visit Trondheim

Foodie & tech capital of Norway! Home of Michelin starred cuisine, pioneering science & technology, innovation & natural beauty. A city with a strong historical significance shaped by the influence of the creative minds of our community and its visitors. Visit Trondheim is a destination company that aims to promote Trondheim as an attractive destination. Our team is very passionate
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Located in the heart of Trondheim, Olavshallen is the main place for living art – from big international names to small local productions. Olavshallen contains to auditoriums – Large (1270 seatings) and Small (354 seatings) – and is a flexible venue for both concerts and conferences. We have housed big artists such as John Cleese, Jimmy Carr, Brit Floyd, Stephen
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Høyt & Lavt

Our climbing park is a collection of rope courses in trees. The courses vary in length and level of difficulty, and are built into the natural terrain. Using wires and ropes to traverse the course you get a thrilling and spectacular view from the treetops! Opening hours: April 30th – June 19th Saturdays and Sundays: 10 am – 5 pm
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Cinemateket Trondheim gir deg filmhistorien! Alle filmvisninger avholdes i Cinematekets kino i Olavshallen. Fra hovedinngangen på hjørnet Olav Tryggvasons gate/Krambugata går du til høyre forbi kaféen Ciabatta (som har overtatt Cinematekets gamle lokaler) og videre til venstre i korridoren der du finner det nye Cinemateket vis a vis restauranten Bodega 44. Kinosalen er utrustet for visning av digital kinofilm og
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Havsport Dykkersenter – We arrange diving trips wednesdays and sundays

July 22nd – July 26th The dive trip «Week 30» was arranged for the first time in 1985 and have since become a yearly tradition for all certified divers. Everyone with a certified sport-diving lisence can join the trip. Week 30 is arranged in one of Norways most beautiful coastal area, Hitra. Hitra has a myriad of islands, reefs and
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Bakklandet is known for its picturesque wooden houses and cafés, just across the river from the historic city centre, separated by The Old Town Bridge. This neighborhood was first inhabited in the 17th century, and has changed greatly since it was first established with industry and later workers’ homes. The area was to be demolished in the 1970’s, but demonstrations
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Bowling 1

Familiebowling Hos oss har hele familien det gøy sammen. Med Lekeland, Megazone, Biljard, Gokart og Bowling, har vi aktiviteter for alle aldersgrupper. Vi har automatiske barnerenner på alle våre baner, som hindrer kula å havne i renna. Dette gjør at minstemann kan vinne over resten av familien! Velkommen skal dere være! Bursdagsbowling Bursdagsbowling er populært hos mange barn og unge
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Byscenen, Alma´s and Boxer

Midt-Norges storstue for konserter og magiske øyeblikk – midt i hjertet av Trondheim Byscenen er et hus med mye historie, det være seg både kultur og samfunnsengasjement. Tidligere var Byscenen kjent under navnet Arbeiderforeningen og ble etablert på nåværende adresse allerede i 1878. Byscenen er nå en toppmoderne scene med alle tenkelige fasiliteter. Vi arrangerer store og små konserter året rundt,
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Crazy Coyote Events

WE CREATE EXPERIENCES! Crazy Coyote Events is your complete organizer of all types of events, events, travel / trips and activities. We are located in Trondheim, but jobs where our customers are. Our focus is on creating great experiences for our customers whatever the occasion. Contact us and let us make your next event!
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Havsport Dykkersenter

Welcome to Havsport Dykkersenter. We can offer many types of diving trips in the Trondheimsfjord: SUNDAY DIVE: Every Sunday we arrange dive-trips to different places in the fjord of Trondheim. We use our custom made boat MS Trimix, and welcome all certified divers! The trip is dependent on the weather conditions so please contact us within the week to sign
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The Old Alleys

Wander the narrow streets and alleys (“veitene”) that were typical of the old Trondheim. Trondheim is one of the most distinctive towns built of wood in Scandinavia. Today such wooden towns are preserved as part of a valuable cultural heritage. Many of the wooden buildings in Trondheim date from the 19th century, but these retain something of a tradition going back
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Pirbadet – beliggende i overgangen mellom sjø og land – er Norges største innendørs badeanlegg lokalisert på Brattøra i Trondheim. Pirbadet er samlokalisert med bade- og treningsaktiviteter, og da med et samlet besøk på ca. en halv million årlig. I Pirbadet ligger alle tilbudene samlet i ett stort rom. Enkelte omtaler anlegget som en «badekatedral». Nærheten og utsikten til sjø,
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Order in advance, use the bookinglink Explore Trondheim’s rich history from a unique perspective on an urban kayak trip along the Nidelva river. Glide beneath ancient bridges, admire historic landmarks, and soak in the city’s vibrant atmosphere. This adventure promises a perfect blend of culture and nature, offering a fresh and immersive experience in the heart of Trondheim. It’s an activity that
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Trondheim Boating

Welcome to Trondheim Boating! Experience Trondheim by boat – boattours on Nidelven river, the channel harbor and the fjord outside Trondheim. Duration approx. 1 hour We arrange boattours from April to October Overview of tours and purchase of tickets at ………… Any remaining tickets for sale in Ravnkloa, prior to departure Prices: Children under 4 years old free Children 4
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Trondheim By Boat

Trondheim by Boat is a unique experience where we show you our lovely town from a very different perspective! Traveling  by sea, through the fjords and on the rivers has always been an  important part of life in Norway – on our tours we will take you back  through the history of Trondheim while sailing on the city river  Nidelva,
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Trondheim Kino

Trondheim Kino er Midt-Norges største kultur- og underholdningsarena med om lag 850.000 besøk i året. Vår visjon er å tilby vårt publikum «en større opplevelse». Våre kjerneverdier; vennlighet, engasjement, kompetanse og trygghet ligger til grunn for alt vi gjør. Fordelt på 19 saler har kinoen et bredt og kvalitetsmessig godt filmprogram å tilby publikum, både av norske og internasjonale titler.
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Trondheim Science Center

Being a guest at Trondheim Science Center is a great way to spend time with the family, and hopefully everyone will learn something new. The center is open Monday to Sunday, and here you will find exciting activities, experiments and interactive installations for the whole family. During weekends and school holidays they have a varied program, and they also organize
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Trondheim Spektrum

Trondheim Spektrum is Europe´s largest multi-use arena and is used for concerts, sports events, conferences, trade shows and other corporate events. The arena covers a total of 33,200 square meters, who spreads over several halls connected by a bright and open mingling-area.  The largest hall of 4,800 square meters has a maximum capacity of 12,000 people and have been housing
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