City Sightseeing

Explore Stavanger’s highlights with City Sightseeing Norway’s iconic buses! Our Hop On-Hop Off service is the perfect way to experience the beauty of this charming city at your own pace. Enjoy panoramic views and informative audio guides available in 7 languages, making your adventure both enjoyable and educational. City Sightseeing – stops: 1. Strandkaien Cruise Terminal / Old Stavanger / …


FOREX is a financial service company, specialising in currency exchange services. Our history FOREX was started in Stockholm, Sweden in 1965, providing services for travellers, at the Central Station in Stockholm. The owner of Gyllenspet’s Barber Shop, according to the legend, discovered that most of his customers were tourists in need of currency for their trips. The owner began keeping …

UFF Stavanger

UFF Second Hand ligger sentralt blandt byens mest sjarmerende handlegater. Denne butikken er på hele 300kvm og har et bredt utvalg Trendy Vintage og Second Hand tøy med det du trenger for å holde deg stilig. Og husk: 10% rabatt for studenter! Foreningen UFF-Butikkene i Norge donerer årlig rundt 25 millioner kroner til bistandsarbeid i Afrika og Asia. UFF er …

Illums Bolighus

Illums Bolighus in Stavanger is a must-visit for Scandinavian and international design lovers. The store has everything you need for your home – classic and modern lighting, tableware and kitchen equipment, home accessories that creates a cozy and aesthetic atmosphere, bedroom and bathroom essentials as well as fashion for women and children. We look forward to welcoming you to our …

Fjällräven Brand Store Stavanger, Operated by Naturkompaniet

WELCOME TO FJÄLLRÄVEN BRAND STORE At Fjällräven Brand Store at Nygata 1 in Stavanger, you can find everything you need for sustainable outdoor living, from Fjällräven. PASSION FOR THE OUTDOORS AND NATURE Passion for outdoors and nature is Fjällräven Brand Store and Naturkompaniet’s greatest driving force, and we want to facilitate sustainable outdoor living. We don’t want to encourage a …

Norway Chess turneringen, 7. – 18. sept.

Den niende utgaven av Norway Chess er i gang og første runde fant sted 7. september, med én av kampene utsatt til fridagen. Spillerne er: GM Magnus Carlsen (Norge) GM Ian Neponmiachtchi (Russland) GM Richard Rapport (Ungarn) GM Alireza Firouzja (Frankrike) GM Sergey Karjakin (Russland) GM Aryan Tari (Norge) På grunn av visumproblemer ble GM Ian Nepomniachtchi forhindret i å …

Pulpit Rock

Pulpit Rock is a spectacular destination that can be a day tour from Stavanger. We deliver you to the start of the trail that takes you along the plateau to this breathtaking viewpoint. It is truly an experience of a lifetime, and the ever-changing natural environment also makes it a tour you can enjoy again and again. There is always …


Shoe store with a wide variety of shoes for the whole family. We want to provide you with a great shopping experience! Welcome to Skoringen!


Rolfsen is Stavanger’s largest brand department store and was established in 1924 by merchant Rolf Rolfsen. His descendants still run the store. The visionary Rolf Rolfsen purchased the entire corner of a block, namely the buildings from Kirkegaten 11–13, to Søregaten 4–6. We are still located in these historic buildings in the heart of Stavanger. Rolfsen has since its beginning been …


Magasinblaa is situated on the waterfront of Stavanger City, right inbetween the Norwegian Petroleum Museum and Stavanger Aftenblad. With 500 parking spots directly adjacent the centre, with a bridge leading straight inside, it’s safe to say that we’d be hard to beat if ever there was a competition judging ease of parking. In addition to 18 hand picked and exclusive stores with …

La Famiglia

La Famiglia åpnet i 2008 og har siden vokst seg til en kjent og kjær butikk i Stavanger. Vi ligger rett ved den vakre Fargegaten i Østervåg 35 i Stavanger og har to fulle etasjer med fashion. Vi har også nettbutikk : Vi fører merker som Samsøe, Line of Oslo, Please, Second Female, Rue de Femme, Depeche, American Vintage, Alix, …


Vi er Stavangers største motehus for kvinner & menn. Hos Høyer handler det om shoppingopplevelsen. I over 10 år har Høyer vært et motemekka for kvalitetsbevisste og moteinteresserte nordmenn. Målet er at de skal være et sted du blir bergtatt, langt utover selve shoppingen. I tillegg til vårt ønske om alltid å ha et fantastisk utvalg av de beste merkavarene, er vi levende …


Husfliden Stavanger AS har drevet handel i Stavanger sentrum siden 1889. Vi er stolte tradisjonsbærere og kunnskapsformidlere, men er også opptatt av design og egenart. Hos oss finner du godt håndverk, unike og varige produkter. I bunadavdelingen vår jobber dyktige fagfolk med å skape Husflidens Rogalandsbunad til dame og herre. Garnavdelingen har et bredt utvalg av kvalitetsgarn.   Gave- og …

Gullsmed Bernhard Hansen

Craftsmanship and professional pride since 1906 Four generations of goldsmiths Gullsmed Bernhard Hansen has been located in the centre of Stavanger for more than 110 years. Skilled craftsmanship and expertise passed on by four generations of goldsmiths. Style & Quality A wide range of high-quality and skilfully crafted jewellery. We offer quality products meticulously selected from leading brands, as well …

Gabrielas Jewellery

Gabriela’s Jewellery delivers unique, handmade jewellery. Most of the jewellery is made by me personally. As a previous model, with with 26 years of experience with clothes and jewellery, I can provide good advice and tips on the type of jewellery that best suits you. Most jewellery is unique and only available in one copy. Prices vary, depending on the quality of …


Hailing from the small town of Örnsköldsvik in Sweden, a place where mountains and forest meet the sea, Fjällräven is an outdoor clothing and equipment company that’s committed to making nature more accessible. In true Swedish style, we focus on simplicity and practicality, and we have the utmost respect for the environment. This is what we do: – Develop functional, …


Filum er en nisjebutikk i Stavanger sentrum som fører unike kvalitetsmerker. Vi tilbyr personlig service og en behagelig atmosfære. Our brands: Saks Potts • Nanushka • Shrimps • Rodebjer • NORR • Tibi • P.E Nation • Dorothee Schumacher • 3×1 • Enamel • Moirè • Olivia Von Halle • No21 • Blanche • Nervure • One and other


Welcome to Carmen Stavanger – a clothing store for women with a sense of fashion and quality. Here, you will find everything from everyday wear to party clothes and the extra touch you need to spice up your wardrobe. We have a good sense for party clothes and dresses are one of our specialities. One of our goals is to …

Capone Kids

Setter du kvalitet høyt, forventer god service og vil gi barna litt ekstra er Capone Kids butikken å kle opp barn fra 0- 14 år.  Kolleksjonene leveres av internasjonalt anerkjente produsenter og domineres av naturlige stoffer som bomull, ull og lin.  Fører merker som Ralph Lauren, Adidas, Levis, Gant, Parajumpers, Wheat, Hust at Claire, Gullkorn, Mini A Ture, Lilleba, Lillelam, …

Capone & mrs. Capone

Capone «Every day is a fashion show & the world is your runway….» Elegant, klassisk og moteriktig for unge og voksne menn. Capone er førstevalget for menn som ønsker personlig veiledning og god service. Kvalitet og kjente merkevarer som b.l.a Tiger of Sweden, Morris, Arnie Says, Replay, Les Deux, Holzweiler, Parajumpers, Adidas etc. Capone har butikker på Kvadrat Kjøpesenter, Arkaden …

Boots Apotek Arkaden

Boots that have more than 160 years of experience, opened its first pharmacy in Norway in 2008. The company has extensive experience in pharmacy operations and product development and is today one of the world’s best-known brands. In collaboration with scientists and specialists in health and skin care, develops and manufactures Boots several of Britain’s best-selling brands such as No7, …


Bazaar er en nisjebutikk ulikt alt annet i Stavanger. Å komme inn til oss skal være som å gå inn i et fantastisk klesskap med tidløse plagg du blir glad i og kan ha lenge. Vi, Ida Maria og Margot, har 8 og 20 års erfaring fra mote- og klesbransjen. Nå har vi nærmest startet en familiebedrift, med Ida Maria …

Askeland Ur og Diamanter

In the center of town you will find Stavangers most renowned watchmaker. Since 1904 we have specialized in high end watches, fine jewellry – together with long experience and excellent costumer service. On the ground floor you will find a large selection of watches and jewellry – and on the first floor you will find our Rolex Department and Askeland …

Apotek 1

Apotek 1 offers a multitude of safe products. In addition to prescription medicine, you’ll find an exciting self service area with chosen products that cover your needs. We have non-prescription medicines, skin and hair care products, food supplements, natural remedies and several other products for your health and well being. Our products must satisfy a strict demand for quality. New …

Private Cruise

EXPERIENCE THE MAGIC OF THE NORWEGIAN FJORDS Is there anything more magic than the breathtaking beauty of the Norwegian fjords? Yes, to experience this amazing scenery from aboard a luxury yacht on a private cruise. SEE THE LYSEFJORD & PULPIT ROCK IN STYLE ON BOARD A LUXURY YACHT Perfect for small groups, friends and family. PRIVATE CRUISE is a high-end …

Déjà vu delikatesser

Velkommen til DejaVu! Da vi åpnet Déjà Vu Delikatesser i september 2002, var målsettingen å lage ærlig og god mat som ikke er avskrekkende dyr. Det samme jobber vi for den dag i dag. Vi er heldige som befinner oss i et område med så mange gode råvarer og flinke produsenter. De fleste leverandørene våre holder til en kort spasertur …


Vi driver kombinert butikk- og sjømat restaurant på samme tomt som det alltid har blitt solgt sjømat i Stavanger, nemlig innerst i vågen. På denne tomten har fiskehandlere stått og solgt sjømat i over 150 år. Fisketorget i Stavanger skal fremstå som et innovativt og fremtidsrettet sjømatutsalg, hvor høy kvalitet og ferskhetsgrad, stort utvalg, solid kompetanse og ekstraordinær servicegrad preger …


Olivia Torget ligger i Vågen i Stavanger, med utsikt over havnen og bryggen. Restauranten går over to etasjer med vinduer langs alle veggene og utsikt mot Torget, og er dermed det perfekte stedet å sitte og titte på folkelivet i Stavanger. Havnebyen Portofino i Italia ble en naturlig inspirasjonskilde for nettopp denne restauranten, noe som preger interiøret. Ellers er det …

Victoria Hotel

På Victoria Hotel kan du ta deg et glass Champagne under samme lysekrone som Kong Haakon den syvende og Dronning Maud gjorde under signingsferden i 1906. Eller hva med å nyte den samme utsikten, utsikten fra hotellrommet ditt som Kongen av Siam gjorde i 1907? Victoria Hotel har 107 rom fordelt mellom andre til femte etasje. Du kan velg mellom …

Neo Galleri

A unique gallery in the heart of Old Stavanger! Here you will find a wide selection of fine arts, ceramics and art glass from renowned artists as well as an intimate and quiet atmosphere provided by the gallerist, artists and customers alike. WE SEND WORLDWIDE. >>Visual arts >>Ceramics/Glass art Here is what some of our customers are saying: “Wonderful and …

Vaux´s Galleri

Welcome to our living gallery in Stavanger city center. If you go to the gallery, you will experience a relaxed atmosphere created by an artist’s desire to convey a pleasant working environment. It’s a working gallery so we hope that you like the aroma of fresh oil and acrylic paint or of freshly fired pottery. Feel free to visit the …

The Norwegian Petroleum Museum

The Norwegian Petroleum Museum in Stavanger provides a modern interactive setting for experiencing how oil and gas were created millions of years ago, how petroleum is found and how it is used. Original objects, models, films and interactive exhibits convey the history of oil operations on the Norwegian continental shelf. The museum also provides insights into technological developments in the …