Food & Drink
Opening hours
+47 479 78 089
St Olavs Plass 2, 0165 Oslo
Kjøkkenets åpningstider:
Mandag-fredag: Lunsj: 11.00-16.00
Middag: 16.30-22.00
Lørdag: Lunsj: 12.00-16.00
Middag: 16.30-22.00
Mandag-fredag: Lunsj: 11.00-16.00
Middag: 16.30-22.00
Lørdag: Lunsj: 12.00-16.00
Middag: 16.30-22.00
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Cafe Tekehtopa
Tekehtopa, formerly called Apotheket (The Farmacy), opened in 1997 in the house that used to be Rikshospitalets Apothek.
In 1999, for legal reasons we had to change the name to Tekehtopa (Apotheket spelled backwards) because the Apothecary Association didn’t think it was suitable for a cafe.
Now, we are a well-known Italian Trattoria with homemade pasta and the best ingredients from both Italy and Norway.